
Taking the Solar Village to Asia and Africa

Professor  IM (Dharme) Dharmadasa (1977 Commonwealth Scholar from Sri Lanka, PhD Solid State Electronics, Durham University) has been involved with the ‘Solar Village’ project since the 1990s. The scheme improves the standard of living for remote villages where there...

Evaluation update – October 2013

Alumni who were awarded their Commonwealth Scholarship or Fellowship in years ending ‘4’ or ‘9’ will be hearing from the CSC Evaluation team in February/March of next year when we send out our annual electronic evaluation survey. The 2013 survey respondents (Award...

Agricultural crop research in South Africa

Dr Ida Paul (2003 Commonwealth Split-site Scholar from South Africa, PhD Environmental Management, University of Pretoria and Durham University) works in agricultural research, looking to improve disease resistance in important staple crops in the region. Ida   is...

Improving the food supply chain

Wilson Asamoah (2011 Commonwealth Shared Scholar from Ghana, MSc Food Chain Systems, Cranfield University) has found that his scholarship is enabling him to introduce technical innovation in food supply management systems. Following his return to Ghana after his...