
Mauritius to offer new Commonwealth Scholarships

The newly-established Open University of Mauritius plans to offer 54 Commonwealth Scholarships – one for every Commonwealth country – from next year, it was announced yesterday. The ambitious plan was revealed by Dr Hon Rajesh Jeetah, Minister of Tertiary Education,...

Commonwealth Scholar at the Olympics

Padmraj Patil (2011 Commonwealth Shared Scholar from India, MSc Water and Waste Water Engineering, Cranfield University) is participating in the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games. He spoke to us about his excitement at being involved in the Games and...

New member of alumni team – October 2012

Sainabou Taal has joined the alumni team as Project Assistant, co-ordinating alumni tracing work, updating alumni records and Professional Networks administration. Sainabou has previously worked in the Gambia for two years as an Assistant Monitoring and Evaluation...