Publication and Resources

Annual Evaluation Survey – April 2013

It’s that time of year again when the Evaluation Team at the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission have been sending out the annual evaluation survey. This is done on a rolling basis to a fifth of all alumni. If you received a scholarship or fellowship in a year ending...

Scholar gives TED talk of the day

2012 Commonwealth Scholar Boghuma Titanji's talk on ethics and HIV research has been picked as today's talk at Boghuma, who is from Cameroon, is studying for an MPhil in HIV Drug Resistance at University College London. Her talk at Goodenough College last...

Scholar attends leaders’ conference for students

2012 Commonwealth Scholar Mustak Ibn Ayub recently attended a INTO CSCLeaders for Students conference, held in Oxford in December 2012. Mustak, who is studying for a DPhil in Molecular Mechanism of Cancer at the University of Oxford, shared his thoughts on the...

Welcome Programme 2012

The CSC’s annual Welcome Programme for new Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows was held on 19 November 2012, at Senate House, London. Photos from the event are available on Flickr.